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St. Teresa’s Sr. Sec. School Mansarovar Jaipur is run by Prabhudasi Sisters Education Society which is a registered body authorized to run schools, hospitals, dispensaries, old age homes, creche etc in different parts of the country. St. Teresa School is one of the many institutions under the management of Prabhudasi Sisters Education Society Ajmer which is a registered Society under Rajasthan Society Registration Act 1958. The school is co – educational and imparts education in English Medium (CBSE). Admission will be given to children of all communities treating their religious faith with due respect. The Academic year begins in April and ends in March.

The Educational institutions in Rajasthan run by Prabudasi Sisters Education Society are:

  1. ST. Teresa’s School Mansarovar Jaipur (CBSE)
  2. ST. Teresa ‘sSchool Jhotwara Jaipur. CBSE)
  3. ST. Teresa’s Senior Secondary School Pushpagiri Udaipur (CBSE)
  4. ST. Teresa Vidyadeep Saveenakerha Udaipur (CBSE)
  5. ST. Teresa Secondary School Bhatta Ajmer. (RAJASTHAN)
  6. ST. Francis Senior Secondary School Alwargate Ajmer.(RAJASTHAN)
  7. Kusumia Secondary School Bethania Ajmer (RAJASTHAN)
  8. ST. Francis School Hindi Medium Bandikui Dausa (RAJASTHAN)
  9. ST. Francis School English Medium Bndikui Dausa (CBSE)
  10. Nirmala Senior Secondary School Kota (RAJASTHAN)
  11. Nirmala Senior Secondary School Mt. Abu (RAJASTHAN)

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